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发布时间:2022-07-07 12:50:05 来源:承益五金网


可以对55X55MM玻璃进行高精度高抛光亮度双边磨边加工:如此“疯狂”的玻璃双边磨边机,你见过吗?最近,该款双边机由顺德格来富玻璃机械有限公司研制成功。  格来富玻璃机械有限公司在业界有“小片玻璃双边机缔造者”之称。其专注于高精度高抛光亮度的玻璃双边磨边机研发制造。产品技术成熟,性能稳定,有“尺寸超小,精度超高,抛光超亮”的特点,全面解决了小片玻璃磨边加工精度差,抛光亮度不高,效率低下的难题。  该款玻璃双边磨边机,采用16磨头设计,配置19MM传送皮带。最小可以加工55X55MM玻璃,最大可以加工500X500MM玻璃。经测试,该款双边机加工精度高,平行精度在0.1mm以内,对角线精度在0.3mm以内,抛光亮度可达家具级要求,倒角大小均匀,棱角分明,无崩边,无圆边现象。相比于人工磨边加工、单边机磨边加工和所谓的单皮带双边机,格来富55MM小片玻璃双边机有如下优势:一是全面提高了加工精度和抛光亮度,把小片玻璃的磨边加工技术提高到了一个全新的境界;二是全面提高了加工效率,节省了人工,进行大批量生产;三是全面提高了磨边加工玻璃宽度的跨度,解决了单皮带双边机加工玻璃宽度跨度小,加工不同宽度玻璃时需对机器进行重新调试等问题。

联系人:杨廷永,  电话:13929100230,0086-757-27726238,  邮箱:sales@gratefulcn.com,  http://>

The world’s first 55MM Glass Double Edge Grinding Machine developed in Shunde  This machine can double edge 55*55MM glass sheet for high precision and high polishing.Did you see such crazy glass double edge grinding machine? Recently, this type of machine is developed successfully by Grateful Glass Machinery Co.,Ltd. Grateful Glass Machinery Co.,Ltd is famous for Small Glass Sheet Double Edge Grinding Machine in glass industry. It focus on high precision and high polishing for glass double edge machine development. The product has mature technology and stable performance. It also has the technical features are smallest glass double edged with biggest transmission belt, large and small size glass can be grinded. It solves the problem for small glass sheet when double edged with low precision, low polishing brightness and low efficiency. This glass double edge grinding machine is designed by 16grinding wheels with 19mm transmission belt. It can process minimum 55*55mm glass sheet and maximum 500*500mm glass sheet. This double edged machine process with high accuracy. Diagonal error is within ±0.3mm and parallel error within ±0.1mm. The polishing brightness can reach furniture level. Glass come out with even chamfer size, distinct edges and corners , no chipping, no rounded edges such phenomenon. Compared to manual grinding process, single edge grinding machine and so call single belt double edge grinding machine, Grateful 55mm small glass sheet double edge grinding machine has below advantages:  1. Upgrade the processing accuracy and polishing brightness which imporve small glass sheet edge grinding techniques to a new level.  2. Improve processing efficiency and save labor for mass production.  3. Enlarge the width span for glass edged, solve the narrow width span for single belt double edge grinding machine, also solve the problem that it need readjusting when different widths of glass edging.

Contactor:Pangying,  Tel:0086-757-27726288,  email:info@gratefulcn.com,  http://>





